Julia + Nathan

Last month I was in Ohio photographing my sister and her husband’s (welcome Joey) extended family. They’re whole family is absolutely the sweetest and I’ve gotten to slowly meet them over the years. The day of the shoot I had asked Amy if her and Joey wanted to do a quick in-home shoot so that I could document their current season in a way that felt comfortable, cozy and laid back. However, Joey was hunting. There’s a lot to this haha.

So then Amy messaged her sister-in-law, Julia and they were available ◡̈ They were SO sweet to come over to Amy’s house before their shoot and we spent 20 minutes playing cards, drinking coffee, they wrote love letters to each other and overall a very solid time. Julian and Nathan, thank you for being so willing to let me photography you on a whim and for going with my random ideas packed into such a short amount of time!

You two are beautiful and I’m so excited to watch and see how the Lord continues to work in and through your marriage!

Enjoy ◡̈


Amy + Joey


Pat and Liza